County Benefits
Registration of Military Discharge (DD 214)
All veterans are encouraged to record their discharge documents – free of charge – at the Register and Recorders Office, which is located in the Perry County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, New Bloomfield. Also, all veterans can obtain a free certified copy of his or her own DD 214.
Burial Expenses
County burial allowances are provided to veterans and spouses of deceased veterans as indicated in the County Code. A burial benefit of $100.00 is payable towards the funeral expense of an honorably discharged veteran. The veteran must be a legal resident of Perry County at the time of his or her death. The widow or widower is also entitled to a $100.00 burial benefit if a resident of Perry County. Application for the burial allowance must be made within one year after the date of his or her death and the application is usually initiated by the funeral home director.
Grave Markers/Flag Holders
A county grave marker is provided to deceased veterans as indicated in the County Code. The initial grave marker is provided free of charge by the county in which the deceased service person had legal residence at the time of death, whether or not the veteran died in the county or was buried in the county. Our office is notified either by the family of the veteran or local funeral home personnel.
Grave Registration
Our office maintains a record of all veterans buried in cemeteries within Perry County.
Assist Funeral Home Directors
The Veterans Affairs Office assists local funeral homes in the payment of burial allowances for eligible veterans and their families.