• Perry County Courthouse
  • 2 East Main Street, New Bloomfield, PA 17068
  • P) 717.582.2131

Commissioners’ Public Meeting July 29, 2024

he following public meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 29, 2024:

  • 10 AM – Commissioners’ General Session

The meeting will take place in the Commissioners’ Conference Room located at 25 West Main Street, New Bloomfield PA 17068.  The meeting is available for in person attendance, as well as virtual participation.  The call-in / video link information is below, along with the meeting agendas and prior meeting draft minutes.

Call-In Information:

Dial:  1-408-418-9388

Meeting Number: 2555 258 2718 #

Password: 68974329 #

Virtual Link:

Click:  https://perrycountycommissioners.my.webex.com/perrycountycommissioners.my/j.php?MTID=mf1a8d403f8a90b0a463a9bd985e1bb7b