Perry County Conservation District
Address: 31 West Main Street P.O. Box 36 New Bloomfield, PA 17068
Telephone: 717-582-8988 ext. 4
Hours of Operation – 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
Mission Statement
“Conserving Natural Resources for Our Future”
District Overview
The Perry County Conservation District is a County level organization focused on local natural resource conservation and protection. We offer all Perry County residents natural resource related technical assistance, programs, and outreach to encourage the wise use of natural resources. District programs and activities include but are not limited to; Farmland Preservation, Nutrient Management, Erosion and Sediment Control, Recycling, No till Drill rental and the Envirothon and Land Judging contests.
The District is a subdivision of state government and authorized under Act 217 with the mission to provide leadership and assistance with local natural resources conservation and management. The Perry County Conservation District is governed by a seven-member board of volunteer directors. It is also a County of Perry department with the Board of Directors being appointed by the County Commissioners and staff being County employees. Funding is provided primarily through the State Conservation Commission, the Departments of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with other income coming from the County of Perry, and various grants and fees.
Perry County Conservation District Board of Directors
- Marsha Snyder – Chair
- Lloyd Byers, Vice Chair
- Larry Gildner, Treasurer
- Bill Lyons, Commissioner
- Scott Flanders
- Ken Martz
- Shawna Swartz
- Jay Elsessor
- Bill Shilling
- Grant Finkenbinder
- Dave McLaughlin
Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in New Bloomfield at the Penn State Cooperative Extension meeting room. Meetings are subject to cancelations, please call to verify (#717-582-8988 ext. 4).
For more information or to view our calendar of events visit our website –